At Social Justice Kids, we are hearing from more and more white parents and educators...
...and that makes sense to us.
Because we are white parents and educators.
We were searching for something that would teach us how to create a better future, with and for the KIDS we LOVE.
That's what LOVE KIDS does.
It takes white parents and educators from "I don't know where to start" or "I know I could do better," and provides us with the essentials we need to bring up Social Justice Kids.
Bringing up Social Justice Kids...
Social Justice Kids are children who can recognize and name unfair racialized patterns in the world, and who are empowered by voice and action to do something about it. They are kids who see each other and stick up for each other, particularly in the context of intersecting social identities (race, class, gender, sexual orientation, gender identities and so much more). They give us hope for a more just and equitable world.